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A new year for the Tech Sector: Tech Legal Outlook 2024 and Fintech & Payments Legal Outlook 2024

In case you missed it, we launched our annual legal outlook series last month. Our global cross-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional tech and fintech teams have produced two reports for 2024 looking at the legal and risk landscape. 

Tech Legal Outlook 2024

Geopolitical risks, economic uncertainty and tightening regulation are creating a challenging outlook for 2024. Yet the rise of generative AI is driving digital change and investment in technology and the underlying digital infrastructure. To benefit from tech advances, investors and companies will need to navigate the complex legal and risk landscape at a time of increasing digital regulation and enforcement, and heightened cyber and litigation risks.    

In this report we explore: 

  • Tech investment: investing in digital infrastructure and the increasing merger control scrutiny of tech M&A.
  • Regulating the digital economy: leveraging AI beyond the hype, the UK's Online Safety Act, upcoming enforcement of EU digital platform regulation and Big Tech antitrust enforcement.
  • The shifting risk outlook: the evolving landscape of cyber regulation and Europe's new collective redress regimes.

Explore the Tech Legal Outlook 2024 > 

Fintech & Payments Legal Outlook 2024

The global fintech industry has faced some real challenges in the past year as M&A volumes have continued to drop since the record highs of 2021. However, despite the general backdrop of economic slowdown, geopolitical uncertainties and more assertive regulation, the sector continues to demonstrate resilience.

In this report, we analyse seven key trends we believe will shape the legal outlook for fintech and payments in 2024 and beyond including, the investment and funding outlook; opportunities in digital assets and tokenisation and for players in digital financial market infrastructure; and key developments in payments and open finance, all against the backdrop of the increasing impact of artificial intelligence, and the need for cyber resilience in finance. 

Now more than ever, risk management and compliance are crucial to engender the trust of customers, investors, and regulators in the fintech and payments space. 

Explore the Fintech & Payments Legal Outlook 2024 >

Our leading Legal Outlook series brings together analysis and insights from our lawyers around the world. Three overarching global themes set the context for our legal outlook for 2024: ongoing challenges in the investment environment from economic and geopolitical factors; the challenge of hitting net zero; and the impact of AI


antitrust & foreign investment, digital infra, digital markets act, fintech, online safety, tech disputes, tech investments, data and cyber, ai