6/16/2023 12:26:04 PM ESG and German competition law – a box of chocolates? By Kaan Gürer Nina Seydel Dorothee de Crozals Forrest Gump knew it all along: Life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what you’re gonna get. And this still seems to apply...
3/24/2023 10:53:07 AM A German boost to ESG and Competition Law By Dorothee de Crozals Nina Seydel Germany takes the next step: The debate on ESG and Competition law - seemingly having slowed down since the Federal Cartel Office’s (FCO)...
9/16/2022 3:10:52 PM They did it again – Crisis Manager FCO allows exclusive cooperation between big German gas wholesalers By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer New floating LNG terminals are part of the solution to replace discontinued Russian gas supplies for the upcoming winter period in...
9/9/2022 2:33:51 PM Extraordinary decisions in extraordinary times: The German FCO is the first competition authority to allow competitor collaboration for gas shortages By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer Crisis management with a touch of ESG: The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) this week again demonstrated that it can act quickly and...
1/25/2022 3:51:05 PM German Competition Law and ESG – sustainability-cooperation is fine, unjustified price-fixing is (still) not By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) is actively participating in the debate on how to integrate ESG topics into competition law. As...
1/10/2022 6:06:05 PM Happy New Year? The German FCO closes its first GAFA proceeding under new competition rules By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer Last week, the German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) published the outcome of its proceedings against Alphabet/Google initiated in May 2021...
12/20/2021 8:51:25 AM Germany - No One Stop Shop for Big Tech? By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer Andreas Mundt, president of the German Federal Cartel Office (FCO), continuously stresses that an effective and strong merger control...
8/5/2021 12:10:03 PM Facebook/Kustomer – Germany’s attack on the EU’s One-Stop-Shop principle in merger control? By Kaan Gürer Dorothee de Crozals The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) has initiated new proceedings against Facebook. It was already investigating Facebook under the...