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The outlook for tech sector and workplace activism

Avid readers of our EmploymentLinks client blog will already have seen some of our commentary on workplace activism. In our latest article, featured in our Tech Legal Outlook 2002 - Mid-Year Update we talk about how the tech sector in particular might be fertile ground for workplace activism where we have seen high-profile cases of activism in recent years. 

In this article, we discuss how activism can be a business risk, but also a signpost of a healthy corporate culture for tech businesses. We also look at how to respond and react to activism. With talk of the “great resignation” and ongoing war for talent – and in a sector where competition for talent is already fierce and retention is typically lower than other sectors – the need to embrace activism as part of corporate culture by tech leaders is essential.

You can find out more about workplace activism and commentary and resources on the topic on our dedicated page.

With a heightened awareness of workplace rights and the reach of social media and workplace communication channels, employees can become activists within and beyond their workplaces, very quickly


future of work, social media, workplace activism