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Spain establishes the EU’s first AI supervisory agency

Spain has approved a law establishing the first supervisory agency for artificial intelligence in the EU. The Spanish Artificial Intelligence Supervisory Agency (AESIA) is expected to be operational within three months. This marks a significant step in Spain’s efforts to shape AI governance in the EU.


The EU has recently proposed the world’s first comprehensive legal framework to regulate AI.

The proposed AI Act aims to ensure better conditions for the development and use of AI by setting out obligations on providers and users depending on the level of risk associated with the AI system. The AI Act covers a number of key areas, such as general purpose AI systems, prohibited practices, high-risk classification, identification of biases, and sustainability of high-risk AI systems.

The AI Act will impose the obligation on member states to designate an AI supervisory authority.

As discussed in our previous post, the Spanish government has stated that one of its main goals under its presidency of the Council of the EU is to reach a deal on the AI Act before the end of 2023.


As part of its National AI Strategy, Spain has established the first AI supervisory authority in the EU. The AESIA is expected to be operational within three months.

The Spanish government approved the creation of AESIA on 22 August 2023. The agency will fall under the jurisdiction of the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

The AESIA will voluntarily oversee compliance with AI standards through quality and responsibility seals. It will also be responsible for creating regulated testing environments that enable the responsible launch of innovative, high-risk, or general-purpose AI systems.

Additionally, the AESIA will set forth guidelines to implement the requirements of the AI Act.

AI Code of Conduct 

EU and US lawmakers are currently working together to create a voluntary code of conduct for AI. The aim is to set forth standards for the use of AI technology, bridging the gap until formal laws like the AI Act are passed.

The AESIA will work with the EU to support the drafting of this code of conduct.

Looking ahead

With the establishment of the AESIA, Spain prepares for the eventual implementation of the AI Act while taking a proactive approach to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used safely.

Stay tuned for more updates!

The Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence in A Coruña, the first of its kind in Europe.

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