4/22/2022 10:59:14 AM FCA finds inadequacies in challenger banks' financial crime controls By Martyn Hopper The FCA are continuing to press the challenger bank sector to improve its approach to anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance....
4/20/2022 6:49:42 AM How to spend it – US Antitrust Agencies outline enforcement agenda for budget increases By John Eichlin Jarrett Field US antitrust enforcement agencies are expecting a sizable budget increase for fiscal year 2023 to promote “vigorous marketplace...
4/14/2022 11:31:56 AM Mind the Gap: Is there enough space in Space? By Nick Kenny Imogen Ormerod Ali Zu'bi Space is a communal and finite resource. Without careful planning and concerted international efforts, we risk damaging its environment –...
4/8/2022 9:47:36 AM UK Space Spectrum Strategy refresh - and what it means for satellite constellation operators By Nicholas Puschman UK Space Spectrum Strategy update - and what it means for satellite constellation operators Ofcom has opened a consultation on an update...
4/7/2022 10:11:56 AM UK's CMA fires warning shot for further probes into tech By Linklaters As we anticipated, the CMA has confirmed that it will continue its scrutiny of digital markets while it awaits legislation to place its...
4/4/2022 3:33:04 PM The UK’s Online Safety Bill: Top 5 things you need to know about the amended version By Ben Packer Rebecca Dickie On 17 March 2022, the UK Government published its highly anticipated re-draft of the Online Safety Bill. Standing at 225 pages long (with...