12/21/2021 2:03:10 PM Gearing up for the new DMU regime: UK's CMA publishes Interim Report in Mobile Ecosystems Market Study By Linklaters Last week, the CMA published its 6 months in Interim Report in relation to its Market Study on Mobile Ecosystems, continuing its focus on...
12/20/2021 6:38:31 PM Data and privacy in EU merger control: New ground rules By Lodewick Prompers Florian Jonniaux No less than seven out of world’s ten most valuable companies have data (and privacy) at the heart of their business model. Competition...
12/20/2021 8:51:25 AM Germany - No One Stop Shop for Big Tech? By Dorothee de Crozals Kaan Gürer Andreas Mundt, president of the German Federal Cartel Office (FCO), continuously stresses that an effective and strong merger control...
12/17/2021 5:35:50 PM E-money laundering? By Ben Packer Simon Treacy Transparency International has turned the spotlight on the money laundering risks posed by the UK electronic money sector. Its report...
12/17/2021 2:42:42 PM Log4j risk - What you need to be thinking about By Linklaters If you’re working, well, anywhere, you are likely impacted by the Log4j vulnerability. It should be keeping information security teams...
12/16/2021 1:36:43 PM Workplace activism: The macro and the micro By Laurie Ollivent Workplace activism is becoming a defining feature of the workplace for many businesses, particularly in the tech sector, as employees can...
12/13/2021 3:15:44 PM Future regulatory framework set for New Payments Architecture By Simon Treacy The Payment Systems Regulator describes it as “one of the biggest changes happening in UK payments”. The project for a New Payments...
12/13/2021 2:27:43 PM The UK's Online Safety Bill: What do other regulators want? By Ben Packer Tomorrow the Parliamentary Committee that has been scrutinising the UK's draft Online Safety Bill (OSB) will publish its report setting...
12/10/2021 1:57:41 PM New proposed EU rules on Platform Work By Jennifer Granado Aranzana Claudia Skibniewski Alvarez Joost Dibbits The digital transition is fast-tracking changes to the labour market. Stemming from two legislative priorities – enabling the digital...
12/9/2021 5:13:22 PM Launching our Diversity Faculty podcast series By Laurie Ollivent The Linklaters Diversity Faculty, comprising lawyers and dedicated diversity advisors, has produced a new series of podcasts discussing...
12/8/2021 1:55:48 PM Launching our Fintech Global Year to Come 2022 & Year in Review 2021 By Jennifer Calver As part of Linklaters’ “Year to Come and Year in Review ” series, our global fintech team has published our Fintech Global Year to Come...
12/7/2021 10:13:53 AM What’s on the regulatory horizon for UK payments in 2022? By Simon Treacy Our UK Payments Horizon Report 2022 sets out the important regulatory milestones for the year to come. The report covers the FCA’s...
12/6/2021 8:07:01 PM The “Whole of the US Government” is interested in your organization’s cybersecurity practices, are you ready to defend them? By Linklaters Understanding your organization’s cybersecurity posture is more important than ever Cybersecurity used to be more of a hypothetical...