28 January, 2021 No “killer acquisitions” in sight (yet)… recent experience with the German merger control transaction value threshold By Christoph Barth Occasionally companies pay significant purchase prices for businesses with rather limited revenues: “When Facebook announced its plans to...
21 January, 2021 Spanish data enforcers get serious with record GDPR fines By Ceyhun Pehlivan As reported in Global Data Review, two big GDPR fines against large banks in Spain suggest the country’s data protection authority, AEPD,...
21 January, 2021 My what big teeth you have! A closer look at the sharp end of the CMA’s Digital Taskforce Advice & the impact for Big Tech (Part 4) By Linklaters This fourth and final instalment in our series on the proposed changes to the UK’s antitrust regulations for Big Tech focuses on the...
19 January, 2021 Germany's gatekeeper rules: the start of divergence for gatekeepers? By Bernd Meyring Yesterday Germany's second chamber of parliament approved new domestic legislation on digital gatekeepers, and the act was published and...
14 January, 2021 Germany has done it again: UPC ratification halted By Bolko Ehlgen For many of us, the start of 2021 may feel like 2020 all over again. For the patent community in Europe, it feels more like 2017 - when...
13 January, 2021 Germany – Regulator introduces virtual power grid for electric vehicle charging - a game changer? By Jens Hollinderbäumer Based on the concept of a virtual power grid, the German regulator has paved the way for e-mobility users to choose their energy supplier...
11 January, 2021 A new regulatory regime for Big Tech: the special merger regime for Strategic Market Status (Part 3) By Linklaters We discussed the new “strategic market status” (SMS) regime proposed in the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s advice to the UK...
07 January, 2021 The gig economy is booming - but what about gig worker rights? By Linklaters The rise of the gig economy was given a boost in 2020 as people turned to gig working as a way of creating income traditional business...
06 January, 2021 Not just the GAFAs – broad reform proposed to address CMA concerns re consumer welfare in digital sector: the CMA’s Digital Taskforce Advice (Part 2) By Molly Snaith Much of the coverage of the Competition and Markets Authority’s Digital Markets Taskforce advice on how to regulate Big Tech, has...
05 January, 2021 2020 stats for German foreign investment control and some predictions By Christoph Barth Five years back, less than 5% of all deals with foreign investors in Germany were subject to foreign investment control by the Federal...