9/14/2023 11:37:35 AM DMA Insight #9: The designated few – no surprises and a few decisions still in the air following DMA designations By William Leslie Lodewick Prompers Pablo Moro Valbuena As the summer slowly comes to its end, the European Commission keeps speeding up to put flesh on the DMA’s bones. Who are the new...
11/24/2022 9:56:49 AM Bringing out the bazooka: UK’s competition authority launches its first market investigation in the tech sector By Verity Egerton-Doyle Erasmia Petousi Earlier this week, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) made a market investigation reference in relation to mobile browsers...
5/12/2022 7:40:18 AM China’s Algorithm Regulation – reshaping the Tech Sector By Alex Roberts From recommending personalised contents on social media platforms to designing work schedules for motorcycle couriers, algorithms are...
11/12/2021 10:08:08 AM Could a ‘right to repair’ help fix tech aftermarkets? By Linklaters The market power of Big Tech software in the digital age (and the competition debate about how to regulate it) has taken central stage...
10/28/2021 8:42:36 AM Show me the money: generosity toward CMA in yesterday's budget a signal of more regulatory intervention against big tech By Linklaters The UK's competition regulator the Competition and Markets Authority was a big winner in Rishi Sunak's budget yesterday with a grant of...
10/21/2021 4:36:54 PM Decisive Influenc-er: Do we need to think globally when it comes to special merger regimes for Big Tech? By Jonathan Ford Proposed UK competition reforms include a special merger control regime that is intended to be more lethal to deals involving big tech...