7/15/2022 4:11:30 PM China to finalise a key missing piece in its data protection puzzle By Alex Roberts Tiantian Ke For people who care about data protection laws in China, this summer has been way too exciting and even a bit fatiguing. What’s more, the...
6/8/2022 9:21:20 AM One-stop shopping or more compliance for China's platforms? By Alex Roberts Tiantian Ke What are the new requirements on platform privacy policies, and do they affect your business? On 26 May, the National Information...
5/23/2022 2:54:41 PM Hong Kong cross-border data transfers – Implications of the latest PCPD Guidance By Eunice Lee Albert Yuen Given the increasing digitalisation in the handling of personal data and globalisation of business operations in recent years, the HK...
7/27/2021 7:39:46 AM Banks and insurers in China to serve their customer “gods” with heart and soul By Linklaters In China we say “顾客就是上帝” (gù kè jiù shì shàng dì) or “the customer is the god”. Now the financial industry authorities want to remind...