11/20/2023 2:16:06 PM DMU Insights #7: Back to school (Parliament) for the DMCC – what’s changed? By Verity Egerton-Doyle Juliane Guderian James Hunter After a summer “holiday”, the UK’s Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers (DMCC) Bill is now back before Parliament. The Bill gives...
6/13/2022 3:45:54 PM Platforms and publishers: Rebalancing the relationship through an Australian style principles-based code? By Kim Rust While the timing for legislation to give the CMA’s Digital Markets Unit (DMU) a legislative footing and additional powers is uncertain,...
5/10/2022 12:34:13 PM Has the UK Digital Markets Unit regime become a damp squib? By Linklaters While the UK was previously at the forefront of attempts to regulate digital markets following publication of the oft-cited Furman Review...
6/22/2021 1:12:07 PM CMA sets its sights on mobile ecosystems with latest market study By Kim Rust The UK's Competition and Market's Authority has launched a market study into mobile ecosystems, continuing its focus on competition in...