11/20/2023 2:16:06 PM DMU Insights #7: Back to school (Parliament) for the DMCC – what’s changed? By Verity Egerton-Doyle Juliane Guderian James Hunter After a summer “holiday”, the UK’s Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers (DMCC) Bill is now back before Parliament. The Bill gives...
5/22/2023 5:25:16 PM DMU Insight #5: The CMA’s Strategic Steer - a tech perspective By Tom Clare Last week the government published its draft Strategic Steer to the Competition and Markets Authority, setting out its priorities for the...
5/18/2023 8:17:27 AM DMU Insight #4: Who will be subject to the new SMS regime? The DMU’s (expansive) designation powers By Nayantara Ravichandran Jonathan Ford DLast month, the UK Government introduced the long-awaited draft Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers (DMCC) Bill. This introduces a...
5/11/2023 12:48:05 PM DMU Insight #3: Digital economy - beware and prepare, consumer protection is growing teeth By Helen Crossley Consumer protection in the UK has historically been underweight compared to the competition regime – the CMA has not had direct...
5/4/2023 9:01:21 AM DMU Insight #2: When is fair fair? The DMU’s final offer mechanism for determining tech price disputes By Verity Egerton-Doyle Judy Zhao A key element of the SMS regime contained in the Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers (DMCC) Bill, introduced to the UK Parliament...
5/2/2023 9:56:48 AM DMU Insight #1: The tortoise and the hare - legislation that would make UK's DMU more powerful than the DMA finally introduced to Parliament By Verity Egerton-Doyle Last week, the UK Government introduced the long-awaited draft Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers (DMCC) Bill. The Bill is a...
11/17/2022 8:21:12 PM A digital regulation (re)awakening: CMA's Digital Markets Unit set to get legal standing By Linklaters Today's Autumn Statement from the UK Chancellor has been making headlines for many reasons, as the Government attempts to stabilize the...
5/10/2022 12:34:13 PM Has the UK Digital Markets Unit regime become a damp squib? By Linklaters While the UK was previously at the forefront of attempts to regulate digital markets following publication of the oft-cited Furman Review...