11/13/2024 2:57:31 PM Spanish AEPD: Harmonising blockchain with the GDPR's right to be forgotten By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has released a comprehensive technical note addressing the integration of blockchain technology...
4/26/2024 9:05:43 AM The Spanish AEPD imposes sky-high 367 fines and breaks record of complaints filed under GDPR in 2023 By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín Casilda de Urbina The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recently published its FY23 report. The report shows that AEPD has imposed a total number...
12/7/2023 10:35:22 AM Spain – Data regulator's new approach to the use of biometric data for daily employee work hours record By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recently issued guidelines on the use of biometric systems for daily employee work hours...
7/3/2023 8:47:09 AM Spain – Data regulator issues guidance on nuisance marketing calls By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recently issued guidance on users' rights regarding nuisance marketing calls under the new...
6/26/2023 10:29:08 AM EU GDPR: Everyone has the right to know the date and the reasons for the consultation of his personal data By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín In a recent landmark case, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) ruled that data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller...
6/13/2023 10:40:44 AM Gaming series #4: Age verification of children in the EU games sector - not child’s play By Sonia Cissé The games sector is a thriving industry and is hugely popular amongst young people and children. Ask a boy between 8 and 11 years old if...
6/5/2023 2:25:14 PM Spanish data regulator issues guidance on Data Protection Officers By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has issued a report clarifying some misconceptions about the status and position of a data...
5/12/2023 9:22:04 AM The Spanish AEPD issues record 40% of all GDPR fines across the EEA in 2022 By Ceyhun Pehlivan Elena Valín The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recently published its FY22 report. The report shows that AEPD has imposed a skyrocketing...
5/22/2020 3:40:40 PM How the GDPR is going to survive in the UK post Brexit? By Tanguy Van Overstraeten On 15 May 2020, Michel Barnier, the Head of the EU Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom, provided his view following Round 3...