11/7/2022 9:50:01 AM Privacy protection for China’s digital currency By Alex Roberts Tiantian Ke In his speech for the 2022 Hong Kong Fintech Week on 31 October, the Chinese central bank’s Governor Yi Gang highlighted privacy...
12/20/2021 6:38:31 PM Data and privacy in EU merger control: New ground rules By Lodewick Prompers Florian Jonniaux No less than seven out of world’s ten most valuable companies have data (and privacy) at the heart of their business model. Competition...
5/22/2020 3:40:40 PM How the GDPR is going to survive in the UK post Brexit? By Tanguy Van Overstraeten On 15 May 2020, Michel Barnier, the Head of the EU Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom, provided his view following Round 3...
5/21/2020 12:00:00 AM Is the GDPR not properly enforced? By Tanguy Van Overstraeten Now that we are approaching the second year anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), some observers criticise the...